After All

Thought of writing a post for so many days, but I was just thinking of a right reason to scribble. I blog when I want to, not when I have to.
I'm not a regular blogger, though I like to write a lot. It's just happens when I want to share something.

Happened to see a Motivational video today, Just lost in Thoughts for sometime. 
Instead of getting lost, thought of putting it here. :-)

What is Motivation ? Can anyone really be motivated by someone else? 
Hmmm,  well. I'm not sure about the answers. 
What I feel is, we feel Motivated when someone speaks what we want to hear, especially when you can't do it for yourself, when you can't tap your back by yourself, when you can't appreciate yourself. 

"It is just our thoughts in some one else's voice"

If we are really depressed and someone else to trying to push all that Motivational stuff into us, our brain just ignores it. This says, we listen to, what we want to listen and we ignore what we don't. It is as simple as that. 

To get motivated first empty your mind and start fresh. Be open to listen. 
Even a Moon and star will show you the way.

First decide on what you want. This is the most difficult part of our Brain. The problem with most people's life is that they don't know what they want. 
Anyone can wish for anything. But only few will wish for Particular thing. And those people will acquire it in no time as because they are clear and open.

So, What are you gonna do without goals? Follow life wherever it leads to ? Nah...
Even if you wanna enjoy life, define how you are gonna enjoy !
Once I heard a saying,  
"Set your goals so high, so that even your failure makes you proud"
Example,  If you wanna be a Billionaire, and even if you end up being a Millionaire, it will still make you proud.

In our life the most important person is ourselves who will not laugh when you are down.
So make yourself Happy, and it will lead to every other goodness in the world.

I know it is easy to say, but it is our wish to give it a try or give up !

And that's life. Life is not so easy, after all.


*--Happily blogging--*



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